
Are You A Sports Gamer?

Do you play sports video games? For a lot of us sports fans the answer is yes, and we don't even have to hide the fact that we do. We all have our own little man cave area where we play, or should I say waste, untold hours with that game pad in our hands. Whether it be PS3, XBOX,Wii, or Nintendo we all have our favorite games, some of which we have played since childhood. Some would say we never left stage to begin with.

According to Wiki Answers, 65% of all males say they have played at least 1 video game in the last 3 years. I don't know how scientific that survey is but it sounds about right.

My top 5 favorite sports video games franchises of all time are:

1) Madden NFL Football. Wow what a shock, right? It's not that I have liked each release but as a whole Madden pretty much set the standard for sports gaming. I am not a guy who can just stick a game in the machine and play it. 

How To Get a Job As A Video Game Tester

In all of my years of professional experience, probably the one job I get asked most about is my time as a Video Game Tester for SEGA of America. I spent several years with SEGA, and people, especially children, are always fascinated by the opportunity to make good money by doing what they love, namely playing games! Here is some advice for those looking to obtain one of these highly-desired positions.

For those looking to get a foot in the door of the Video Game Industry in any capacity, there is no more tried and truer method than the Video Game Tester position. This job brings you into the fold of the development world where you can see how the games are made, make vital contacts, and get critical game company experience on your resume. I cannot tell you how many people I have worked with who used this entry-level opening to springboard into positions in programming, game production, design, marketing, etc. Plus, there are worse ways to make anywhere from $10-15 dollars an hour (starting pay) than playing games for a living!

Fun Holiday Games With Educational Attributes

The holidays are about spending time with friends and family, enjoying some traditions, and simply having a good time. Depending on your plans or the holiday in question, adding a few holiday games to your celebrations can certainly improve spirits and create memories that will last a lifetime. Whether you want to add some online Christmas games for kids to your day or are looking for some ideas for Halloween games to add to your Halloween party, there are plenty of traditional and video game options available for you to choose from. It only takes a few minutes to find the best games for any holiday occasion.

If you're having a Halloween get together, there are plenty of Halloween kids' games or adult themed Halloween games you can play. Bobbing for apples is an obvious one, as is the old game of blindfolding a player and having them feel different 'body parts' - grapes as eyes, spaghetti as brains, and so on. You can also have a spooky scavenger hunt, but if you're trying to plan out Halloween games for kids be sure that you don't make them too scary. Of course, there are often online themed video games based on Halloween that you can add to your party as well.

Classic Kids Games - Some Of The Best Classic Games Ever

Today, video and computer games are big business. Billions of dollars are made by video game companies each year, and more kids than ever are playing them. Board games are also still highly popular, but either of these options can be surprisingly expensive - a good board game can cost up to forty dollars or more. For many people, getting back to basics can bring a family together, teach your kids skills and lessons, and cost very little. Numerous classic games based on pencils and paper are available, and these retro games can be surprisingly fun for anyone who wants to play them.

For the most retro of all retro games, you'll need to dig way back into your own childhood and maybe even beyond. Classic games like tic tac toe or hangman are very easy to setup, fast to play, and don't really cost a dime. Hangman can actually teach your kids vocabulary and spelling skills, and while they don't have the pizzazz of most modern board games they're still fun for a couple of hours, especially with younger kids.

The Best Fairy Games For Girls

It is no surprise that little girls are absolutely crazy about fairy games. It is really tough to find a little girl that does not enjoy almost anything to do with fairies. This is what makes it such an easy choice to play fairy games at any kind of together for young girls. There are many fairy games to choose from, but it makes sense to play the most popular ones. Here are the best fairy games for girls.

Pin the Wings on the Fairy

This game is a fanciful take on the tradition Pin the Tail on the Donkey party game. Draw a fairy on a large piece of cardboard, poster board or butcher paper. It will obviously need to be a rear view of the fairy, since the girls will be trying to pin the fairy wings on it. The fairy wings should be covered in glitter. Remember that glitter is the fairy dust that puts the wonder in fairy games for girls.

Review - FEAR 3

If you have ever played a F.E.A.R game before, you will know what to expect when you open up a copy of F.E.A.R 3. A dark, generic, corridor shooter with occasional jump scares and a tacked on slow motion mechanic. While the first in the series set the standard on the next-gen series of consoles, it has since been overshadowed in its genre superior survival horror games.The only problem is, the developers of Fear 3 seem not to know this. They rely on the tired and overused "monster closets" and occasional Alma sighting to scare you. These scares work the first few times, but quickly grow tired as you travel through the short campaign.

Speaking of which, this game has one of the shortest campaigns that i have played in a while. 8 missions long, one could easily finish this game in about five hours, and that's on the harder difficulties.

5 AoE Leveling Tips You Don't Want to Miss

Area of Effect (AoE) Leveling is a leveling style that is very popular leveling style in games like World of Warcraft and Everquest. Unfortunately, Blizzard has increased its efforts to prevent its subscribers from using AoE leveling in World of Warcraft due to the inequality it created in leveling speeds.

There were some spots in game that were overlooked during development phase which players were using to farm experience at a rate far faster than they had designed the game for. Therefore, these places were removed and reworked through the patch system.

With the release of the Cataclysm expansion AoE Leveling was virtually eliminated from the game. It wasn't removed in the sense that it no longer exists, instead, it was removed in the sense that they made it harder to do. The game was changed to make it generally faster to level by completing quests which took away the appeal of AoE Grinding.

3 Important Things to Remember Concerning Upgrading Gaming Platforms

Computer gaming is a highly mainstream way of having fun these days. At the same time, it is quite an activity that favors those who constantly update themselves in the realm of computer gaming. Updates in the form of new consoles and upgraded computer specifications characterize the advancing nature of computer gaming. Thus, it is just proper to say that you have to update yourself constantly with the latest software and hardware updates concerning the games you love playing if you want to heighten your gaming experience to higher levels. Here are 3 easy things that you must consider when updating computer gaming platforms towards supporting new games.

Latest Consoles: Upgrading Entertainment

Some gaming companies release sequels of their popular titles to newer game consoles. In observance of that trend, gamers these days make it a point to get new types of consoles just so they could get to play the sequels of their favorite game series. 

Super Mario Crossover 2, A Remarkable Twist On An Old Classic

Are you ready for a version of Super Mario Brothers that you've never played before? If you're into the world of Mario like millions of other people around the world then Super Mario Crossover is a must play game for you.

Super Mario Brothers is one of the most popular video games of all time and there are so many gamers out there that can't seem to get enough. Nowadays you will even find a lot of the gamers playing this game are adults. This is because Mario came out in the 80's and that's when they were kids.

Today the new programmer minds of the day are resurrecting these old classics and adding a new feel to them. Once they have their latest version available we then find access to it online for our enjoyment.

Setting The Stage For Your Live Action RPG


There are a lot of elements that go into a successful LARP: well-crafted plots, intriguing characters, exciting NPCs. But one aspect that's often overlooked is the one of ambiance - atmosphere, for those of you who prefer plain language.

Suppose you're running a Cthulhu Live game set in a mysterious abandoned manor house. Which setting is going to get your players in the mood? A brightly lit cafeteria at the Booster's Club, or a cold and gloomy room with boarded over windows and strange noises emanating from the walls? Set the right ambiance, and you're halfway to a successful game.

Ambiance doesn't have to be expensive, nor does it have to be all-consuming. There are several ways in which a game-master - and the players - can ratchet up the atmosphere in a game. Those can be broken down into lighting, sound f/x, set dressing, props and costuming. Let's go over them one at a time...